

Pronounced: SHEE.

Also known as the faery realm, Sidhe was the first to come into existence, and is the connecting world between the other two. There are doorways leading from Sidhe to Bevain, Sidhe to the Other, and vice versa. It is the only realm where a gate can be opened to either of the other two so that anyone, magical or otherwise, could step through. Ruled by a monarchy, the realm's people are split into courts, the number of which has varied over the passing centuries. These courts consist of not only faeries, but other members of the fey as well, such as kelpies, pixies, sprites, and Grumblings. The fey are in charge of maintaining the balance.

The current courts are:

The Iomlan court- the court that rules all courts and consists of fey from each of the others. Doesn't discriminate between types.

The Seelie court- the court of Light.

The Unseelie court- the court of Dark.

The Winter court- the court of winter fey.

The Summer court- the court of summer fey. (Currently without ruler, so is being monitored by the King of Kings).

Want to know more about the courts and their residents? Read on for bios!

Flynn~ The king of the Iomlan court, also known as the King of Kings. Flynn is in charge of everything in Sidhe, and everyone. He alone has the ability to discount the word of another fey regent, though he rarely does so. His belief is that he should stay out of the other courts affairs, only getting involved when they do something that will affect the balance. His parents were of mixed courts, which is part of the reason he decided to form the Iomlan court. He doesn't have a great sense of humor, and is a dangerous man to upset.

Breandan~ The king of the Seelie court, where ever Breandan goes light follows. His personality is equally illuminating. While he rules his court with a few strong rules (such as don't harm the mortals) he's a party boy who's goal in life is to have as much fun as possible. He loves to make light of the situation, and is constantly sporting a positive outlook. He's the one Flynn calls when he needs to talk and be calmed down. He's tricky, being fey and all, and will still look out for the best of his court, despite being friendly.

Fionnabhair~ The Winter queen, known for her cold exterior and fiery tongue. She's in love with the king of the Unseelie, and sticks around even though he's hoping to marry someone else, despite the fact he shares her feelings. She doesn't get along with the other regents, mostly because whenever she walks into the room, Flynn looks at her like there's something she doesn't know, and Breandan runs things a little too hot. She cares very deeply for her fey, but feels disconnected from them at times for reasons unknown to her. She has no love for the Four, or any other creatures in Bevain, and could care less what happens with the war going on over there.

Midir~ The king of the Unseelie, as well as the younger half brother of Flynn. He got the court that his brother didn't want, and is constantly jealous of the fact that Flynn got a choice. He also dislikes the fact that his brother is stronger then him, and has more power. He's always trying to cook up ways to gain more, which might just cause him the woman he loves. He's wicked, and cruel, very similar to Ronan, however, is not as powerful as him. He involved himself in the war between Lily and the king of Bevain in the hopes to gain more power. He doesn't care who he hurts, including his own fey, as long as he gets what he wants.

Tynan~ The right hand to the king of the Unseelie. Ty was sent to the Other in order to retrieve the Four and bring them to Sidhe. He's cocky, and comes off slightly aristocratic in his mannerisms. He only knows darkness and how to act on it. He doesn't care what he's doing or why, just so long as he get's to bleed someone.

Flit ~ A sprite who belongs to the Iomlan court. Flit was once a good frined of the Four in the past, especially of Lily. She's one of the fey that Flynn sends to help her find Lennan, as well as the messenger Galvin sent in the begining. She's only about six inches tall, and is one of the type of fey that do have wings. Despite her size, she's very close to the Seelie king's second in command.

Piz~ The right hand to the Iomlan king. Piz was sent by Flynn to help Lily and the others in Moht find Lennan. He and Caer have history, and he's too unsure of himself to say anything forward. He's the epitome of the good in the court, and was a Summer fey before joining Flynn. He knows almost everyone, so is very useful to those traveling through Sidhe. He's also close friends with members of the Seelie court, as well as the Summer court. He's brave, and always does what he thinks is right. In the past, he's been referred to as "Piz the Pure hearted".

Brunswick~ A member of the Iomlan court. Bruns is the Cait Sith from Scottland who exposed his kind to the mortals. Because of this, he's been cursed to only speak in rhyme. Though most Cait Sith are members of the Unseelie court, or solitary fey, he's been a member of the Iomlan since its making, and is a trusted ally of Flynn. He's one of the fey sent to help Lily find Lennan.

Have questions about the characters mentioned above? Ask me in a comment! :)