Hey guys!
I've been pretty busy this month running around for the holidays, what about you? I still have shopping to do... I suck. Anyway, thanks to everyone who entered/participated in my EEYRW Giveaway! This was a huge giveaway, the largest I've ever done, and also spanned the longest amount of time!
The winners will all be receiving emails as soon as I'm done posting this, so be sure to check to see if you're one of them! ;)
Going over some of my older works, editing and improving them, and will be reposting them soon, so keep checking back to see what's coming out next! Taking a break for the holidays, working on my art and focusing on friends and family, so if you don't hear from me for a week or so that's why!
Hope you all have a fantastic holiday season, whether you're celebrating anything or not!
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Saturday, November 28, 2015
This post is mostly about keeping you guys updated, so, now that my NaNoWriMo win has been established, I'll be moving on to posting more chapters of the second Coven book! I'm thinking about actually going through the first, editing it, and then making it available again. What do you guys think?
Here's the link to the book, four more chapters posted today! https://www.wattpad.com/story/4444918-the-coven-shadow-spark/parts
Remember, it's about to be December, which means the final month to enter my giveaway! Hopefully I'll get around to posting more photos of the prizes later on!
Trying to decide which project to get to next...I have the second book in both the Dreamer trilogy and the Trickster trilogy started, so I can keep writing either of those. Or I have about five other partially finished projects, and three books that need editing and rewrites before they can be released. Again, craziness. Sigh.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Halfway Through NaNo...+Funko Pop Collectors?
...and I've basically been crawling this whole time. :( This is the first year I haven't doubled what the daily goal is. I've just been crazy busy juggling all of these other things, so unfortunately my writing has taken a massive hit. What about you guys? Any of you doing it this year? Having writers block or whatnot? Wishing I'd stop talking about NaNo and go back to letting you know about releases? ;) Well, like I said, this month is all about NaNoWriMo. Thought I'd have time to edit my dystopian, Know Thyself, but it really doesn't look like that's going to happen anymore. If you guys haven't yet, check out the book that was released last month, Bone Deep. That should hold you over until I'm able to get one of the dozen other projects I'm working on finished. I've got a lot of sequels coming up, an remember the third book in the Underworld Saga was just released as well! Catch up before the fourth installment is out (though that won't be until sometime next year, admittedly). If you want to read the first chapter of my NaNo book this year, check the post below! :)
My Epic End of the Year Release Wave Giveway is still in effect! You're running (sort of) out of time to enter so be sure to do so by following the page link at the top left sidebar! There are tons of ways to enter, and even a few ways you can enter daily in order to increase your chances of winning. So far, the favorite prize packs seem to be the Underworld one and the Tempest Fan Kit. Be sure to let me know which you'd prefer IF you won when you enter! If you don't do this, you will be disqualified. :( It's just not fair to the people who followed the rules.
Seeing as how it'll be a while anyway, let's add a little fun (seeing as how all of my past posts have been about NaNo)! What would you guys like to see happen in the fourth and final book of the Underworld Saga? Earn another entry into the giveaway by answering! ;)
Lastly, in news completely unrelated to writing at all, any of you Funko Pop collectors?! I am (I have 217...yikes) If you are, or you're interested in maybe starting a collection of your own, then follow this link below to get 5% off your first PopInaBox!
My Epic End of the Year Release Wave Giveway is still in effect! You're running (sort of) out of time to enter so be sure to do so by following the page link at the top left sidebar! There are tons of ways to enter, and even a few ways you can enter daily in order to increase your chances of winning. So far, the favorite prize packs seem to be the Underworld one and the Tempest Fan Kit. Be sure to let me know which you'd prefer IF you won when you enter! If you don't do this, you will be disqualified. :( It's just not fair to the people who followed the rules.
Seeing as how it'll be a while anyway, let's add a little fun (seeing as how all of my past posts have been about NaNo)! What would you guys like to see happen in the fourth and final book of the Underworld Saga? Earn another entry into the giveaway by answering! ;)
Lastly, in news completely unrelated to writing at all, any of you Funko Pop collectors?! I am (I have 217...yikes) If you are, or you're interested in maybe starting a collection of your own, then follow this link below to get 5% off your first PopInaBox!
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Giveaway Glimpse #1!
I mentioned in my initial post that I'd be posting pictures of some of the prizes for the E.E.Y.R.W giveaway!!! Here's the first one, showcasing pieces of a few different prize packs! I might eventually post pictures of completed prize packs, haven't decided yet. Remember there's still time to enter! You can either do so in the entry form below or head over to the specific page for it on the top left sidebar! :) There's more than one way to enter, and even options that allow you to enter multiple times a day! Just be sure to leave a note or comment letting me know which prize pack you would like if you do end up winning!
Here's a taste of the prizes, the paperback copy of Unhinged, one of the sticker sets (only some of the stickers are visible), and origami birds!
There's still TONS more, like jewelry, bookmarks, notebooks, more paperbacks, etc.! Be sure to enter! :)
Sidenote: Any of you planning on checking out NaNoWriMo this year? I posted about it directly below this one, so read it if you're interested to find out how we can become buddies on the site! It's an awesome way to see what I'll be doing during the month of November, check up on my writing (maybe even read a sample) and monitor my progress! It's also a great way for you guys to try your hand at writing! It's loads of fun and there are prizes at the end if you meet the 50,000 word count! Even if you don't, it's worth participating. I always love it!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Here's a taste of the prizes, the paperback copy of Unhinged, one of the sticker sets (only some of the stickers are visible), and origami birds!
There's still TONS more, like jewelry, bookmarks, notebooks, more paperbacks, etc.! Be sure to enter! :)
Sidenote: Any of you planning on checking out NaNoWriMo this year? I posted about it directly below this one, so read it if you're interested to find out how we can become buddies on the site! It's an awesome way to see what I'll be doing during the month of November, check up on my writing (maybe even read a sample) and monitor my progress! It's also a great way for you guys to try your hand at writing! It's loads of fun and there are prizes at the end if you meet the 50,000 word count! Even if you don't, it's worth participating. I always love it!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Friday, October 30, 2015
NaNoWriMo This Year?
Any of you doing NaNoWriMo this year (National Novel Writing Month)? If you don't know about it, it's an event that lasts the entire month (obvi) of November. The goal is to write 50,000 words between the 1st and the 30th. There are loads of helpful forums, countdowns, and even fun events that take place all over the country.
It's a great opportunity to try your hand at writing and/or start that novel you've been putting off forever! ;) I've participated for the past four years, and am always really excited when it starts! If you do join, you can add me to your buddy lists! My ID is TempestChani and here's a link to the book I'll be doing this month: http://nanowrimo.org/participants/tempestchani/novels/the-grief-thief
The website is www.nanowrimo.org for those of you interested!
In other news, don't forget about the massive giveaway still going on!!!! Don't miss out on your chance to win paperback copies ands tons of other cool stuff! :) Enter by following the link above (the banner) or clicking on the page at the top left sidebar!
And remember to check out my new book, Bone Deep! The link can be found a few posts down! :)
Looking forward to checking out some of your guys stuff if you do end up doing NaNo! Please join my buddy list! It'll be loads of fun! ;)
Monday, October 19, 2015
Uncanny Quarry Round Robin!!!
Hey guys! So I've been mentioning the scavenger hunt for a little bit now! In case you haven't yet checked out the official site, here is what's said on the about page:
Join us for a week of fun and prizes! Find your next great read! It’s a scavenger hunt that will introduce you to new authors and amazing stories.
Uncanny Quarry is a literary scavenger hunt primarily focused on authors who write paranormal and fantasy stories. It will take place October 18th-25th, 2015. The event will be hosted on Facebook.
Throughout the week of the hunt, scavengers will be asked questions that they will have to answer about each author/blogger and their books. The answers to the questions can be found at the author or blogger’s site. Links will be provided with the questions. Watch for the blue Uncanny Quarry lantern on participating sites.
There are 37 authors and 2 bloggers providing questions and clues for the hunt. On each of the first 7 days of the hunt, questions from 5 authors will be released. Scavengers will have to go to those authors’ sites and find the answers. Write down all the answers because on the last day of the hunt, the last 4 sets of questions will be released and then a link will be posted leading to a Google form. The form will have one question from each author/blogger. The first person to fill out the form with all the correct answers will win the grand prize. There will also be a 2nd and 3rd prize for the next two people to submit a complete and correct form. If no one gets all the correct answers, then the winners will be based on the most correct answers. **
Some days all of the authors’ questions will be posted on the Facebook event page. Other days there will be a Round Robin. That means that the first of five author’s questions will be posted on the Facebook page. When scavengers arrive at the first author’s site they will find a link to the 2nd author’s site. So scavengers will have to look for the links to all the authors’ sites as they look for answers on each author’s page.
The second author for today’s Round Robin of Uncanny Quarry is Lisa Barry. Here are her questions.
1. Go to www.amazon.com and find The Guardians by Lisa Barry. Open the “Look Inside” and go to Chapter 5. Read the first two paragraphs. What coffee was ordered?
2. Go to Lisa’s Author Page (Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/Lisa-Barry or Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Lisa-Barry/e/B00A1C8AUO/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_4?qid=1443300123&sr=8-4) and read her Bio. Who listens carefully when Lisa reads aloud?
3. Go to Lisa’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/AuthorLisaBarry?fref=nf). In the image at the top, what is the tag line?
Here's the link to her site: https://authorlisabarry.wordpress.com/2015/10/20/welcome-uncanny-quarry-scavenger-hunt-time/
Here's the link to her site: https://authorlisabarry.wordpress.com/2015/10/20/welcome-uncanny-quarry-scavenger-hunt-time/
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Who doesn't like free stuff?
We've hit over 20,000 hits here!!! Thanks a ton to everyone who's stopped by, read one of my books, checked out the other pages here, etc.! As a thank you, I'm listing all of the events currently going on where you can get one of my books (or more cool stuff) for free! :)
As an added bonus, I'm adding a FREE ENTRY option into the E.E.Y.R.W Huge Giveaway!!!! This will only be active for a limited time AND those who do leave a comment letting me know which prize pack they'd like to win are MUCH more likely to actually do so! You can enter by following the link below to the specific page for the giveaway, where you can also check out the prize packs and other ways to win, or you can enter at the bottom of this post! :) Remember, this is a massive giveaway for paperbacks, ebooks, jewelry, notebooks, bookmarks, stickers, etc.! Here's the main link: http://tempestchani.blogspot.com/p/eeyrw-huge-giveaway-details.html

There are two R2R's active on Goodreads right now! One for Unhinged, and another for Within a Dream! Click on the links below to go sign up and receive your copies now!

Within a Dream: https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/17530879-r2r-49---within-a-dream-by-tempest-c-avery-readers-needed
OR HERE: https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/17517399-within-a-dream-paranormal-r2r
My new book, Bone Deep, is available for purchase on Smashwords.com, where it can be read on any eReading device! Here's the link for that again: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/584106
Anyone interested in review copies, please contact me through my Goodreads.com account! The link to that is all over this blog! :)
And for all you Underworlders, remember the third book, Unbound came out last month! Purchase your copy here: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/577903
It's mentioned over on the right side bar that I'm going to be partaking in this big end of October event along with some other great authors! For more information, click on the picture of the lantern at the top right, which will bring you directly to the main sight! It's going to be a really fun scavenger hunt that will introduce you to new authers, and new blogs, so be sure to come back here on October 20th to check out my post! This will be the second stop on the hunt, the first of which can be found on the main site and the main sites Facebook page!
NaNoWriMo starts soon!!!! I've already got my account set up and the info for my new book up there! :) Any of you participating this year?! I might end up doing a cover reveal and sharing the first chapter so check back! ;)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Bone Deep Released! + Giveaways Still Going On!
It's out! Here's a link to where you can purchase your copy of my new book, Bone Deep! On Smashwords you can get copies for your Kindle, Nook, iPad, iPhone, etc.! Or even just read it right from your computer! Be sure to add the book to your reading list on Goodreads.com as well!

Don't forget there's still a giveaway up for this which ends tomorrow so enter now! The huge giveaway I've been hosting for the past month is also still going on! To enter that simply click the banner at the top of this blog! :)
The Bone Deep giveaway is in the post directly below this one! Happy Hunting, Death Squads! ;)
In separate news, just wanted to let you all know that I'm going to be taking part in this big blog tour/scavenger hunt! You have a chance to win some awesome prizes by a ton of different authors simply by participating! Want to know more? Click on the lantern image at the top right sidebar!

Don't forget there's still a giveaway up for this which ends tomorrow so enter now! The huge giveaway I've been hosting for the past month is also still going on! To enter that simply click the banner at the top of this blog! :)
The Bone Deep giveaway is in the post directly below this one! Happy Hunting, Death Squads! ;)
In separate news, just wanted to let you all know that I'm going to be taking part in this big blog tour/scavenger hunt! You have a chance to win some awesome prizes by a ton of different authors simply by participating! Want to know more? Click on the lantern image at the top right sidebar!
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Bone Deep Giveaway/Goodreads
Bone Deep is now up on Goodreads.com so add it to your reading list and get ready because it comes out this Saturday!!!! Here's a link to make it easier:
This is part one of a two parter, and also one of the shortest books I've released at only 260 pages. Be sure to join the giveaway to win a copy! There's only a few days left to do so! :)
Ever want a paperback copy of Unhinged?! Or any of my other works? Be sure to check out the giveaway!
The huge giveaway is still going on, so make sure you sign up for that as well for a chance to win free paperbacks (including Bone Deep and fan favorite Unhinged), jewelry, and other fun stuff!!! I've been asked if the giveaway was open internationally and YES it is! Just be aware that if you live out of the country (USA) and do win, the prize packs might arrive to you in smaller, separate packaging to lower shipping costs. You'll still get every item mentioned though!
ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS LEAVE A COMMENT to be eligible for the huge giveaway, letting me know which prize pack you'd like if you won! Here's a list of all the prizes and where to enter:
Anyone can enter the Bone Deep giveaway just by clicking enter below!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Bone Deep Release! (Giveaway News!)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
If anyone else is interested in Read 2 Review, please message me privately on my Goodreads.com account, here: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5171960.Tempest_C_Avery I do have a couple extra review copies I'm willing to give out, so if interested do let me know!

I did a cover reveal a while back, so you've all probably seen it before, but here it is again to the left! I've also mentioned a few times that this book is written in a slightly different style than many of you are used to (those of you who've read me before, anyway) so I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it! If you haven't checked out the blurb, you can do so by hitting up the Upcoming page link at the top left, or by scrolling down to an earlier blog post. It's been posted a few times so not going to repeat it again right now to save space.
That huge giveaway is still going on!!! We're dipping into month two, and there's only until December to sign up for a chance to win one of six different awesome prize packs! Each hold different items which are all listed in the previous post, but a few of these things are paperback books, jewelry, stickers, bags, etc. There's a different prize pack for each of the new books I'm releasing during the E.E.R.Y.W, and because of this in order to qualify to win YOU HAVE TO COMMENT WHICH PRIZE YOU WOULD LIKE if you won. This can be either on this post, or the one prior with all the details. I know having to sign in in order to post a comment is tedious, but these items cost money and there are a lot of them. I don't want to end up sending someone a pack they have no interest in getting. That would suck for you and for whoever really wanted it and ended up not getting it. There are a bunch of other ways to enter as well, including leaving a question for a character in the Ask Away section! This can be done multiple times, which means more chances to win! You can also answer a few questions about my book Unhinged, which is currently being offered for FREE in honor of this giveaway! It can be found here: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/303574
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Sunday, September 20, 2015
HUGE Giveaway!!!! :)
Unbound kicked off the wave by being released last Wednesday!!!! This is the third book in the Underworld Saga that a lot of people have been waiting for! Don't miss out seeing Hadrian and Spencer do their thing!
Bone Deep will finally be released next month (October)!!! The exact date has yet to be set, so keeping checking back, but IT WILL be next month! If you haven't heard about this yet, check out some of the previous posts, or head over to the Upcoming Books section to not only read the blurb, but also find a link that reads you to the first few chapters which can be read for free!!!
After that....
Know Thyself will hit the (digital) shelves FINALLY after sitting around collecting dust for almost two years. Not too much has been released about this except for the blurb, which can again be found on the Upcoming Books section, and the cover image, which can also be found there. This is a dystopian (my first) teen novel in which a girl wakes up with no memories and is forced to go about her life pretending otherwise. This is the first of a two book series titled The Trouble with Knowing. This is intended for a late November/early December release.
AND lastly......
Prisoner of Glass is tentatively planned for a December release. Pretty much nothing has been said about this book, I've been keeping it very hush-hush, and I plan on keeping it that way until closer to release time. However, I will tell you (because it's been up on the Upcoming Release page anyway) that it is a teen sci-fi/paranormal that revolves around aliens.
As a side note, more chapters of the second book of the Coven trilogy are going to be continuously released onto my Wattpad page throughout this time period as well!!!
Here are the prizes:
(1) Underworld Starter Kit!
Includes: -Paperback copy of Unhinged.
- Paperback copy of Beguiling Trickery.
- Unbidden, Underworld exclusive short story.
- Unhinged 1+ Beguiling Trickery Sticker Set.
- Unhinged Bookmark.
- Comes in duct tape purse!
(1) Supernatural Bites Kit!
Includes: -Paperback copy of Bone Deep.
- eBook copy of Within a Dream (format .mobi, epub, PDF)
- Bone Deep Ouroboros Hunter Notebook.
-Bone Deep Sticker Set.
- Bone Deep Bookmark.
- Comes in duct tape purse!
(1) The Trouble with Knowing Kit!
Includes: -Paperback copy of Know Thyself.
-eBook copy of Bone Deep (format .mobi, epub, PDF)
-Know Thyself Sticker Set.
-Know Thyself Bookmark.
-Comes in duct tape purse!
(1) Alien Invasion Kit!
Includes: -Paperback copy of Prison of Glass.
-ebook copy of Beguiling Trickery.
-ebook copy of Within a Dream.
-Prison of Glass Sticker Set.
-Prison of Glass Bookmark.
-Comes in duct tape purse!
(1) The Tempest Fan Kit!
Includes: -Mystery Paperback Copy of one of my books.
-ARC ebook copy of my next release! (or book of your choice)
-Assorted Sticker Set.
-Replica of Luka's Necklace from Beguiling Trickery.
-(3) Origami Paper Cranes from Lily's room (Within a Dream).
-(3) Origami Paper Crows from Breck's room (Within a Dream).
-Assorted Bookmarks.
-Assorted Book Covers Keychain.
-Delaney's Earrings (Prison of Glass).
-Assorted Charm Bracelet.
-Comes in duct tape purse!
(1) Bundle Kit!
Includes: -eBook copies of the first books of all major series!
That's: Unhinged, Beguiling Trickery, Within a Dream,
Bone Deep, Know Thyself, and Prison of Glass. That's
six ebooks for FREE!
If you read through the list, you'll notice that all of these prizes come in handmade duct tape purses! They're cute, fun to make, and hold a LOT of stuff, which is why I figured they'd be a great addition to the giveaway! I also happen to make them myself so...there's that. Same with the origami pieces that are being offered in the Fan Kit! If you counted, you'll have noted that there are six different kits, therefore there will be SIX winners (in honor of the Six from the Dreamer trilogy)! This is a TON of stuff, and here's how you can win:
Earn entries by doing one (or more) of these things,
-Reading Unhinged (which is currently available for FREE here https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/303574 Then, you simply answer the question provided by sending me a goodreads message here: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5171960.Tempest_C_Avery
The question is up on the giveaway, but here it is just in case: "What is the third river Hadrian brings Spencer to?"
And/or this one: "Where do Spencer's parents work?"
Remember! Post the answer in a PRIVATE MESSAGE to me on goodreads. Any answer posted here will be deleted!
-Posting a comment below (or on any of the posts I make where this giveaway entry form is posted)! In the comment, tell me which kit you'd be most excited to win! You MUST answer this in order to qualify!
-Posting a question in the Ask Away section of this blog. Ask any of the characters a question to gain entry!
-Follow me on Goodreads! Again, here's the link to my account https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5171960.Tempest_C_Avery
-Prove you've read me before! You can do this by providing me information from any of my books that only a reader would know! Again, please make sure to private message me these responses, as posting them here would give others a way of cheating!
-Review (counts if you have in the past!) any of my books before! This means an HONEST review, so even if you've given me one star, or two stars, etc. and not a rave review, that's ok! Honesty is the best policy and I in no way want you to lie about your likes and dislikes! Just post a link to your review on Goodreads, or your blog, below (or any comment section where this giveaway is mentioned) so that we can all check them out!
-Follow this blog! Pretty self explanatory I think.
-Vote on the poll in the top right corner of this blog! :)
Alright, so those are all the ways you can win! Let me just take the time to mention that I will be checking to make sure those who enter actually follow the rules. Unfortunately, many, if not most, of the people who signed up for my previous giveaway were disqualified for not being honest. Don't click an entry claiming to have left a post if you didn't. All of these items cost me money, and unfortunately as an indie author, I don't have much of that. I'm doing this because I think it's a fun way to kick of the end of the year, welcome in my new stuff, as well as get some people a chance to read some of my work they might not have heard about or been able to before. Sorry to be blunt, but just wanted to make sure everyone understood these rules are here for a reason and anyone who doesn't follow them will be disqualified.
Obviously this is a really long giveaway, seeing as how it doesn't end until December! Because of that, I'll be posting about it more as the months progress, as well a posting photos of all of the prizes! So, if you're curious what they're going to look like, keep stopping back to see! AND some options for entering can be done more than once! So that's more ways you can earn entries!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Unbound Out! Unhleashed on Sale! Unhigned FREE for a Limited Time!
***Unbound is out!!!!***
...And in honor of this, I've taken a dollar off the sale price for the second book in the series, Unleashed, AND decided to make the first book in the Saga, Unhinged, FREE for a limited time! So, if you've ever wanted to start this series, and/or if you've never read anything by me before here's your chance to finally do so, and for free! These books will only be available at their discounted prices for the rest of this week, so by Monday all prices will have returned to normal! Get them while you can! If this is your first time visiting, here's a blurb for the series as a whole to get you started! Links to all of these books have been provided below as well!
Spencer Perry has everything: popularity, a close-knit group of friends, and her soul mate. Until the latter dies, of course. A shell of her former self without him, and desperate to find a way to get him back, Spencer forces her way into the Greek Underworld, via Ferryman transportation. There, she makes a deal with Hades-aka Hadrian-six months spent below in exchange for Micah's life. But how can she trust a guy who literally lives among fire and brimstone to keep his word? And why are strange things happening around her all of a sudden? What could a god possibly want with her?All signs point towards Hadrian, but something about that just doesn't feel right to her. Something that she hopes has nothing to do with her growing attraction towards him.
Free until Monday!

A dollar off until Monday!
Just released!!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
It's Here!!!!!!!!!!
Unbound has finally been released!!!!
For all of you who entered the Giveaway, the winners have been selected and will be notified sometime today! Thanks to everyone who entered, and to everyone who has waited so long for this book to finally come out! So, without further ado, here's the link where the book can be purchased:
Remember, book one, Unhinged, is now available on Amazon as well! :)
For all of you who entered the Giveaway, the winners have been selected and will be notified sometime today! Thanks to everyone who entered, and to everyone who has waited so long for this book to finally come out! So, without further ado, here's the link where the book can be purchased:
Remember, book one, Unhinged, is now available on Amazon as well! :)
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
It's Coming!!!!
Unbound is finally being released!
For everyone who's waited patiently for this book, THANK YOU! And to show my appreciation, I'm doing giveaways!!!!!!!!!! Sign up below for a chance to win a FREE copy of this book! One lucky winner will get an eBook bundle of all three books! (There's only one more to go!!). BONUS: everyone who wins will receive a never before read short story set in the Underworld!
The first two books are available for sale at Smashwords.com! Unhinged is also up on Amazon, the link of which can be found in the previous post!
If any of you have checked out Beguiling Trickery already, you should know that that book takes place somewhere between the start and end of Unbound! If any of you haven't checked it out yet, might I suggest doing so? I certain Reaper makes an appearance you might not want to miss. ;) I've also been handing ebook copies of Beguiling Trickery out for free in exchange for review, so if interested and you don't feel like reading it directly off the site Swoonreads (where you can read this and many other books for free!) let me know! I'd be happy to send over a review copy!
Back to Unbound! Without giving anything away, last we checked in Unleashed, Spencer had made some pretty big decisions and all choices have consequences. Wondering about what hers will be? Don't miss out! The book will officially be released September 16th!
It's been six months since Spencer made the deal with the god of the Underworld: a year of spending nights below. Now that she's finally given into her feelings for Hadrian, she hopes her second life will start getting less complicated. Of course, considering her new world is filled with Reapers, demons, and malicious spirits, that doesn't seem likely. What does surprise her is the way her ex-soul mate Micah St. James is treating her. Ever since they broke up he's been giving her the cold shoulder, and the more she worries about where they stand, the more she ends up putting a wedge between her and Hadrian. She chose the god for a reason, now she just has to keep that in mind while they fight off the attacks of an evil Persephone hell bent on tearing them apart. By any means necessary. She's already lost Micah. She'd die--again--if the original Gravewalker got her way and managed to steal Hadrian as well.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

The first two books are available for sale at Smashwords.com! Unhinged is also up on Amazon, the link of which can be found in the previous post!
If any of you have checked out Beguiling Trickery already, you should know that that book takes place somewhere between the start and end of Unbound! If any of you haven't checked it out yet, might I suggest doing so? I certain Reaper makes an appearance you might not want to miss. ;) I've also been handing ebook copies of Beguiling Trickery out for free in exchange for review, so if interested and you don't feel like reading it directly off the site Swoonreads (where you can read this and many other books for free!) let me know! I'd be happy to send over a review copy!
Back to Unbound! Without giving anything away, last we checked in Unleashed, Spencer had made some pretty big decisions and all choices have consequences. Wondering about what hers will be? Don't miss out! The book will officially be released September 16th!
It's been six months since Spencer made the deal with the god of the Underworld: a year of spending nights below. Now that she's finally given into her feelings for Hadrian, she hopes her second life will start getting less complicated. Of course, considering her new world is filled with Reapers, demons, and malicious spirits, that doesn't seem likely. What does surprise her is the way her ex-soul mate Micah St. James is treating her. Ever since they broke up he's been giving her the cold shoulder, and the more she worries about where they stand, the more she ends up putting a wedge between her and Hadrian. She chose the god for a reason, now she just has to keep that in mind while they fight off the attacks of an evil Persephone hell bent on tearing them apart. By any means necessary. She's already lost Micah. She'd die--again--if the original Gravewalker got her way and managed to steal Hadrian as well.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Unhinged up on Amazon!
So I finally put Unhinged back up on Amazon! The link is below, and it's currently $0.99 there! Read the post before this to find out how you can get your hand on a short story from the Underworld! :)
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Free Reads (Underworld Short Story!), Excerpts, Release Dates, and More!!!
So I suck.
There, I said it.
I know I've been away WAY too long, but I've been seriously busy! If you read the post previous to this one (which has been up for a few weeks now), you know how crazy life's been for me! But, my coworker is back, meaning I won't be working 9 1/2 hour days any longer, so life can resume! Yay!
But enough of that, thanks to everyone who's been so patient waiting for the third book in the Underworld saga, as well as the other books that have been shelved on the back burner for the past few months. Also, to everyone who's asked me about the second books in either/or both the Dreamer trilogy and/or the Trickster trilogy. I've been answering a lot of questions about these, especially about the second books for both series and when they'll be available. I've mentioned before in previous posts that I'm forced to keep the first books available only on Swoonreads.com for a total of six months. Until this time period is up, I won't be releasing the second books. But keep checking back, because as soon as I'm able (and they're written) I'll post about it here!
I've also been promising a couple other books, both of which have been written for some time now, and are just slowly making their way through the tedious editing/rewrite process. Being an indie author makes it hard for me time wise, because I have to do everything myself. That's also why sometimes mistakes slip by me, or I accidently upload the unedited copy (this has happened. Yikes). Hopefully, next month will be a month of releases from me, however, where I hope to at the very least get two of the three books I have out there (Bone Deep, and Unbound, Underworld #3).
For the next couple of weeks, Unhinged, is free for download again!!!! So, if you haven't yet read it, here's your chance to do so for FREE!!!! Here's the link: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/303574
Thank you! And thanks for baring with me! To prove how ecstatic I am, I'm offering up a FREE short story, told in Hadrian's POV! All you have to do is go to the Ask Me Anything section of this blog, and ask one of the characters (doesn't matter which) a question. Any question. Just leave it in the comments section, and be sure to address it to them. It doesn't even have to be to characters explicitly from the Underworld, but any of my others as well. Then leave your email (make sure to put the (@) and (dot) like this so you don't let robots are jerks spam you!) as well as what format you'd like (ePub, .mobi, PDF) and I'll send it over to you! If you have questions for me, feel free to leave those there as well. :) You can ask as many questions as you want! Including of characters of my book that has yet to be released, Bone Deep. Speaking of which....
I've decided to stop being horrible and just release an excerpt. Keep in mind, this book is written in a completely different style than any of my others. While my general voice should be similar (it's still me writing it, after all) the format of the story is very different. Hopefully you all like it. So, here's a SHORT excerpt, of the book that will "hopefully" be released next month (aka almost this month or October).
Here it is:
Bone Deep Excerpt:
“I’m sick of people hiding around me,” she confessed before she could change her mind.
So I suck.
There, I said it.
I know I've been away WAY too long, but I've been seriously busy! If you read the post previous to this one (which has been up for a few weeks now), you know how crazy life's been for me! But, my coworker is back, meaning I won't be working 9 1/2 hour days any longer, so life can resume! Yay!
But enough of that, thanks to everyone who's been so patient waiting for the third book in the Underworld saga, as well as the other books that have been shelved on the back burner for the past few months. Also, to everyone who's asked me about the second books in either/or both the Dreamer trilogy and/or the Trickster trilogy. I've been answering a lot of questions about these, especially about the second books for both series and when they'll be available. I've mentioned before in previous posts that I'm forced to keep the first books available only on Swoonreads.com for a total of six months. Until this time period is up, I won't be releasing the second books. But keep checking back, because as soon as I'm able (and they're written) I'll post about it here!
I've also been promising a couple other books, both of which have been written for some time now, and are just slowly making their way through the tedious editing/rewrite process. Being an indie author makes it hard for me time wise, because I have to do everything myself. That's also why sometimes mistakes slip by me, or I accidently upload the unedited copy (this has happened. Yikes). Hopefully, next month will be a month of releases from me, however, where I hope to at the very least get two of the three books I have out there (Bone Deep, and Unbound, Underworld #3).
For the next couple of weeks, Unhinged, is free for download again!!!! So, if you haven't yet read it, here's your chance to do so for FREE!!!! Here's the link: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/303574
Thank you! And thanks for baring with me! To prove how ecstatic I am, I'm offering up a FREE short story, told in Hadrian's POV! All you have to do is go to the Ask Me Anything section of this blog, and ask one of the characters (doesn't matter which) a question. Any question. Just leave it in the comments section, and be sure to address it to them. It doesn't even have to be to characters explicitly from the Underworld, but any of my others as well. Then leave your email (make sure to put the (@) and (dot) like this so you don't let robots are jerks spam you!) as well as what format you'd like (ePub, .mobi, PDF) and I'll send it over to you! If you have questions for me, feel free to leave those there as well. :) You can ask as many questions as you want! Including of characters of my book that has yet to be released, Bone Deep. Speaking of which....
I've decided to stop being horrible and just release an excerpt. Keep in mind, this book is written in a completely different style than any of my others. While my general voice should be similar (it's still me writing it, after all) the format of the story is very different. Hopefully you all like it. So, here's a SHORT excerpt, of the book that will "hopefully" be released next month (aka almost this month or October).
Here it is:
Bone Deep Excerpt:
“I’m well aware of your position
within Ouroboros, Mila.” He crossed his arms over his chest, ran his gaze down
the length of her body. But he didn’t join her, didn’t even move an inch
“Then why?” She adjusted his silk
pillow beneath her head.
Another one of their sudden
silences passed between them, and then, “People don’t talk to you honestly, do
they? They don’t speak their minds. You could get them hurt.”
“I don’t need anyone to do my dirty
work,” she ground out.
“No,” he agreed, “you wouldn’t. And
I’m sure everyone else at this hub and all the others know it as well. You walk
by and people bow their heads. You speak and they listen. You make a decision
and they follow it.”
“Is this going somewhere?” she
snapped, her ire growing. “Or are you pitching me something?”
“You think there’s something up my
sleeves?” He shook his head. “You’re overly cautious.”
“Like you said,” she shrugged, “I
have people to protect.”
“You could report me to the
council,” he told her. At her look he elaborated. “If it would make you feel
She wouldn’t have to worry about a
possible loon running through their ranks, that was for sure. Other than that,
however, she couldn’t see an upside to turning him over. They wouldn’t really
do much anyway, not unless she said she actually did want him kicked out. He
hadn’t done anything wrong. He’d been pretty forthright, but she sort of liked
He was right about one thing.
People tended to avoid telling her how they felt. Unless it was about how
excited they were to go off on a hunt, or how badass they were at sparing,
there were very few real conversations had between her and anyone not in
Gavril’s squad.
And now one of those
few people she could talk to was dead. “I’m sick of people hiding around me,” she confessed before she could change her mind.
He nodded, such understanding in
his expression that she momentarily wondered over it. “I know the feeling.”
“Are you suggesting we confide in
one another?” she asked. “I barely know you.”
“I can say the same.”
“Yes, but—”
“You’re a princess?” he filled in
for her.
She bit the inside of her cheek,
unable to stop her smile. “Calling me egotistical?”
“You did tell me not to call you
“I told you to call me Mila. Not the same.”
“I know you’ve got an angle,” she
told him, sobering some. “Everybody does. I’m going to find out what yours is.”
“You’re welcome to try,” he
She tossed her long legs over the
side of the bed, making sure that when she stood, her body came nearly flush against his own.
She took a moment to admire his bare chest, then gave him a piercing stare of
her own from underneath her sooty lashes.
“I’ll see in the morning, Rouge,”
she said.
He was clearly attempting to fight
off a grin. And failing. “It is morning, Mila.”
She thought about starting up
again, losing herself in more of their banter, but smartly kept her mouth shut.
Instead, she nodded once and headed for the door, smiling to herself the whole
way down the hall.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Upcoming Releases...
Hi guys,

So a few people have been asking about the release of Unbound, the third book in the Underworld saga, figured I'd drop a post about that to help clear up any of the confusion. It was supposed to be out sometime in July, however, things got a little hectic in my life and I wasn't able to do a thorough edit of it. I don't want to release it until I've looked it over and made sure that it's at least at a point where I'm comfortable enough for people to read it. There are a lot of people who, thankfully, have really liked this saga so far, and I want to try and uphold the same level of quality in book number three.
Recently, I paid for a book tour, and unfortunately it didn't go as I had hoped. It's very disheartening when you don't get what you paid for, especially when you're an indie author like me and every penny counts. Unfortunately, I don't feel like the person(s) I paid for this really cared about authors, as they didn't uphold basic promises and rarely bothered to email me back. The only reason I'm mentioning this at all is to help explain why I haven't posted in a few weeks, and why I put a pause on editing the rest of my work. I needed to take a breather and recollect myself before jumping back into it. At least now I know not to bother wasting my money with sites/groups like that. I understand how book tours work, I've had them done for my work and taken part in helping run others, so I get that the organizer has no control over whether or not a person follows through with the post they promised. However, there were basic things that weren't done, and that's what really upsets me. It's hard enough for indie authors to get their work noticed, and I just feel very badly for anyone else who decided to trust their hard earned money towards this same group. :/
I'm back in business, and working towards getting a couple of the books I've been promising done and out to you guys! For one, there's Unbound like mentioned above. I'm HOPEING for an August release, but I've got coworkers leaving on a two week vacation so...I'm going with hoping, not making any definitive promises. Sorry. Just keep checking back to see! I'll make sure this is the first stop I make after the book is available.
Then there's Bone Deep, a vampire (yes, it's got vampires. No, they do not sparkle) story. In this there are also Upir, a darker kind of monster that feeds off of the flesh, mostly hearts, of the living. They can go out in daylight, and are stronger, faster, and much more malicious than their vampire cousins. The blurb, and the cover, can be found in an older post so feel free to scroll down and check it out if you haven't already. I wrote this book in a very different style than my others, so I'm a bit nervous to share it with the world. That's probably why it's taken me so long to get it out there.
There's also a dystopian that's been written and sitting collecting dust since...about a year now, maybe longer. :/ It's called, Know Thyself, and is about a girl who wakes up one day with no recollection of who she is. She's forced to go about her business as usual after receiving a threatening text message, and must wade through a world where only the best of the best are allowed to continue on in society. And of course there's a boy. Who happens to have known her before her memory loss...and hated her.
Lastly, the second book in the Coven trilogy. I've been writing it and posting it to WattPad, however there are over ten more chapters that have yet to be posted there. This is because while a lot of people keep asking me about it, no one ever comments on the chapters I post up. This is a book series that I never really intended to finish. I wrote the first book for fun in between projects, as more of a messy way of getting jumbled ideas out of my head than anything else. The only reason I'm continuing with it is because of the fan base, so come on guys, go post a few comments. If I don't think anyone's reading, I won't bother writing it. Most of my work I write for myself, but with this...that's not really the case. I have their stories mapped out in my head, I know how it all ends for Caley, Shia, Bane and the rest. I'm going to try and get the book finished, but there's also a ton of other projects I'm currently working on.

Like: a book about superheros, a book about aliens, a book about a spy (the first two chapters of this, titled, Stained, is available to read for free on Goodreads.com!), and books two in both the Trickster trilogy and the Dreamer trilogy.
For people asking about those last two, because I've posted the first books of both up on the site Swoonreads.com where they can be read for free, I'm obligated to keep them there and only there for at least six months. Because of this, books two of both series won't be available until that period has run its course. Books on this site have a chance of getting a traditional publishing contract based on their ratings and amount of comments, so if you haven't yet checked it out, please do so! Every rating counts! This is looking more like a release for this coming winter, or even the spring, depending upon. It all depends on what I decide to do once the initial six months are up. I could choose to leave it for a longer period of time, or I could take them down, and self publish them myself along with the second books. We'll see how that goes.
Ok, well, I know this was a really long post, sorry to drone on, just wanted to keep you all updated. I've been away from my goodreads account for about two weeks or so and have missed a lot of questions and messages from all of you. This was the easiest way I could think of to get back to you all at once. If any of you guys have any more questions, or comments, feel free to leave them here or on goodreads. I do still tend to check goodreads more/more often, which I guess a lot of you already know seeing as how almost no one ever bothers to comment here lol.
Links for all of the books mentioned about, minus the unreleased ones, can be found here either to the right or below in a previous post! :) If you read this post to the end, thanks for sticking with me!
As a side note completely unrelated to any of this, or me even really, have any of you guys checked out the new Netflix original series Sense8? If not, do so. Right now. Drop everything. It's that good.

So a few people have been asking about the release of Unbound, the third book in the Underworld saga, figured I'd drop a post about that to help clear up any of the confusion. It was supposed to be out sometime in July, however, things got a little hectic in my life and I wasn't able to do a thorough edit of it. I don't want to release it until I've looked it over and made sure that it's at least at a point where I'm comfortable enough for people to read it. There are a lot of people who, thankfully, have really liked this saga so far, and I want to try and uphold the same level of quality in book number three.
Recently, I paid for a book tour, and unfortunately it didn't go as I had hoped. It's very disheartening when you don't get what you paid for, especially when you're an indie author like me and every penny counts. Unfortunately, I don't feel like the person(s) I paid for this really cared about authors, as they didn't uphold basic promises and rarely bothered to email me back. The only reason I'm mentioning this at all is to help explain why I haven't posted in a few weeks, and why I put a pause on editing the rest of my work. I needed to take a breather and recollect myself before jumping back into it. At least now I know not to bother wasting my money with sites/groups like that. I understand how book tours work, I've had them done for my work and taken part in helping run others, so I get that the organizer has no control over whether or not a person follows through with the post they promised. However, there were basic things that weren't done, and that's what really upsets me. It's hard enough for indie authors to get their work noticed, and I just feel very badly for anyone else who decided to trust their hard earned money towards this same group. :/
I'm back in business, and working towards getting a couple of the books I've been promising done and out to you guys! For one, there's Unbound like mentioned above. I'm HOPEING for an August release, but I've got coworkers leaving on a two week vacation so...I'm going with hoping, not making any definitive promises. Sorry. Just keep checking back to see! I'll make sure this is the first stop I make after the book is available.

Lastly, the second book in the Coven trilogy. I've been writing it and posting it to WattPad, however there are over ten more chapters that have yet to be posted there. This is because while a lot of people keep asking me about it, no one ever comments on the chapters I post up. This is a book series that I never really intended to finish. I wrote the first book for fun in between projects, as more of a messy way of getting jumbled ideas out of my head than anything else. The only reason I'm continuing with it is because of the fan base, so come on guys, go post a few comments. If I don't think anyone's reading, I won't bother writing it. Most of my work I write for myself, but with this...that's not really the case. I have their stories mapped out in my head, I know how it all ends for Caley, Shia, Bane and the rest. I'm going to try and get the book finished, but there's also a ton of other projects I'm currently working on.

Like: a book about superheros, a book about aliens, a book about a spy (the first two chapters of this, titled, Stained, is available to read for free on Goodreads.com!), and books two in both the Trickster trilogy and the Dreamer trilogy.
For people asking about those last two, because I've posted the first books of both up on the site Swoonreads.com where they can be read for free, I'm obligated to keep them there and only there for at least six months. Because of this, books two of both series won't be available until that period has run its course. Books on this site have a chance of getting a traditional publishing contract based on their ratings and amount of comments, so if you haven't yet checked it out, please do so! Every rating counts! This is looking more like a release for this coming winter, or even the spring, depending upon. It all depends on what I decide to do once the initial six months are up. I could choose to leave it for a longer period of time, or I could take them down, and self publish them myself along with the second books. We'll see how that goes.
Ok, well, I know this was a really long post, sorry to drone on, just wanted to keep you all updated. I've been away from my goodreads account for about two weeks or so and have missed a lot of questions and messages from all of you. This was the easiest way I could think of to get back to you all at once. If any of you guys have any more questions, or comments, feel free to leave them here or on goodreads. I do still tend to check goodreads more/more often, which I guess a lot of you already know seeing as how almost no one ever bothers to comment here lol.
Links for all of the books mentioned about, minus the unreleased ones, can be found here either to the right or below in a previous post! :) If you read this post to the end, thanks for sticking with me!
As a side note completely unrelated to any of this, or me even really, have any of you guys checked out the new Netflix original series Sense8? If not, do so. Right now. Drop everything. It's that good.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Unhinged Blog Tour + Unleashed Rerelease!
Hey everyone!
Wanted to stop by and let you all know that there's a two week long blog tour for Unhinged going on hosted by Paranormal Cravings! Here's a link to their site and the page so you can check out all the tour stops!

In case any of you are new here, below is the blurb for Unhinged, which you can purchase by clicking on the cover image over to the right of the page.
Spencer Perry lost everything the day her boyfriend died. Even when he came back as a ghost, she was never able to return to her old self. Determined to find a way to bring both of them back–him from the dead and her from her depression–Spencer hops a ride with a Reaper across the river to the Underworld where she meets the god of the dead. Hadrian isn’t what she expected Hades to be like, but when he agrees to a deal that can get her Micah back, she puts all caution aside and accepts. Too bad she didn’t realize that she’d also just accepted a lot more than one gorgeous yet frustrating god. Bad things are happening all around her, and now she not only has to worry about keeping Micah’s ghost status a secret from their friends, but also figure out who’s behind all of the accidents. All signs point towards Hadrian, but something about that just doesn’t feel right to her. Something that she hopes has nothing to do with her growing attraction towards him.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Unleashed is back!!!!!! :)
It's back!!! For all of you who've asked me when the second book of the Underworld saga would be rereleased, it finally has been! Thank you to everyone who's supported this series so far, and for everyone who read this book already the first time it was published, don't worry, the third one is on its way as well! Below is the blurb for Unleashed. It'll be going up on Goodreads as well as the third book, Unbound, which should be out sometime in July!
It's been three months since Spencer Perry first made her deal with the god of the Underworld-a year of her spending nights below in exchange for the life of her boyfriend Micah. Now with Micah back, making those promised trips to hang with Hadrian-better known as Hades-has gotten even more complicated. Not to mention the fact that an evil Persephone is hell bent on releasing malicious spirits on the world. And on Spencer. The threat forces her to spend more time with the god, and less time with Micah, igniting feelings within her that leave her guilty and confused. How could she be falling for Hadrian when she's always believed that Micah was her soulmate? The clock on their deal is ticking down, but with every second Persephone gets more and more restless with lying in wait. In the end, the only way through the evils of the Underworld might be for Spencer to give into her true feelings. No matter who that ends up being for.
Here's the link to buy:
If you've read the first book and I told you I'd give you a review copy of Unleashed please get a hold of me on Goodreads.com! I have a list, but fear I may have over looked a few people! :)
Also, be sure to check out the two books I still have up for free reads on Swoonreads.com! The links are all over the blog. And check out the two chapters I've posted to the pages bar on the left of a new book I'm working on!
It's been three months since Spencer Perry first made her deal with the god of the Underworld-a year of her spending nights below in exchange for the life of her boyfriend Micah. Now with Micah back, making those promised trips to hang with Hadrian-better known as Hades-has gotten even more complicated. Not to mention the fact that an evil Persephone is hell bent on releasing malicious spirits on the world. And on Spencer. The threat forces her to spend more time with the god, and less time with Micah, igniting feelings within her that leave her guilty and confused. How could she be falling for Hadrian when she's always believed that Micah was her soulmate? The clock on their deal is ticking down, but with every second Persephone gets more and more restless with lying in wait. In the end, the only way through the evils of the Underworld might be for Spencer to give into her true feelings. No matter who that ends up being for.
Here's the link to buy:
If you've read the first book and I told you I'd give you a review copy of Unleashed please get a hold of me on Goodreads.com! I have a list, but fear I may have over looked a few people! :)
Also, be sure to check out the two books I still have up for free reads on Swoonreads.com! The links are all over the blog. And check out the two chapters I've posted to the pages bar on the left of a new book I'm working on!
Saturday, June 13, 2015
*insert witty post title here!*
Ok, I got a little lazy above with the title, but there are only so many posts I can put the word NEWS on so...yeah.
Thanks to everyone who signed up for the giveaways of my books, Beguiling Trickery and Within a Dream! Those two paperback copies have been mailed! For any of you who still want to read either or both of these, you can do so for FREE on the site Swoonreads.com! You can follow the link at the right where the cover for Within a Dream is just by clicking on it!
If you want to read but prefer not to read it on the website, there's currently a R2R going on in the group Fangirls and Fanboys on Goodreads.com! That means you can get the book for free in either ePub, .mobi, or PDF format! There are a limited number of copies so act fast! Here's the link:
I'm sure most of you have read the blurb a thousand times by now, but in case there's a newcomer, here it is:
Two all powerful beings want her. One is a literal nightmare, the other is a god.
Kenna Erikson knows absolutely nothing about Norse mythology. Which is daunting, considering she’s a volur, a type of seer the Vikings believed garnered favor with the gods. For the most part, she ignores her gifts, and the useless ability to foresee thirty or so seconds into the future. For as long as she can remember, she’s had only herself to rely on, and she likes that just fine. However, when shadows suddenly come alive and attack her, she’s forced to seek outside help in the form of tall, blonde, and infinitely annoying, Luka. Somehow, Luka knows all about her attackers, and the mythology they spring from. He’s also eager to help out, despite the fact they’ve only just met. But what secret is he keeping? Who is he really? And why does her heart flip every time he’s around?
I went ahead and posted the first chapter to a new book I'm sort of working on! I figured why not at this point, right? I've got so much else that's out there so figured it'd be fun to try a different approach. Below is the link to the first chapter, please go and check it out! I'd really like to know what you guys think! :) I have a few more chapters written but won't be posting them until I know if this is something I should keep up.
Here's a working Blurb:
Melinda Gray isn't really her name. She isn't really a Blood citizen, and technically, she's not really a member of the Blood army. Placed in enemy territory at a young age, being a spy is practically all that Melinda knows. Five years pretending to be someone else, cut off from the people she loves, has left its mark. But now it's all coming to a head; she's finally gotten an audience with the allusive Blood king. Just a few more weeks, months top, and she might be able to finally go home. Of course, in order to do that, she needs to remember who she really is, and that that girl absolutely, under no circumstances, can have real feelings for the king. Pretending is allowed, but what happens when the line blurs and Melinda finds herself in a reality made of smoke and mirrors?
Do you guys think I should also start posting chapters here on the blog? I could create a new page for them...?
Thanks to everyone who signed up for the giveaways of my books, Beguiling Trickery and Within a Dream! Those two paperback copies have been mailed! For any of you who still want to read either or both of these, you can do so for FREE on the site Swoonreads.com! You can follow the link at the right where the cover for Within a Dream is just by clicking on it!
If you want to read but prefer not to read it on the website, there's currently a R2R going on in the group Fangirls and Fanboys on Goodreads.com! That means you can get the book for free in either ePub, .mobi, or PDF format! There are a limited number of copies so act fast! Here's the link:
I'm sure most of you have read the blurb a thousand times by now, but in case there's a newcomer, here it is:
Two all powerful beings want her. One is a literal nightmare, the other is a god.
Kenna Erikson knows absolutely nothing about Norse mythology. Which is daunting, considering she’s a volur, a type of seer the Vikings believed garnered favor with the gods. For the most part, she ignores her gifts, and the useless ability to foresee thirty or so seconds into the future. For as long as she can remember, she’s had only herself to rely on, and she likes that just fine. However, when shadows suddenly come alive and attack her, she’s forced to seek outside help in the form of tall, blonde, and infinitely annoying, Luka. Somehow, Luka knows all about her attackers, and the mythology they spring from. He’s also eager to help out, despite the fact they’ve only just met. But what secret is he keeping? Who is he really? And why does her heart flip every time he’s around?
I went ahead and posted the first chapter to a new book I'm sort of working on! I figured why not at this point, right? I've got so much else that's out there so figured it'd be fun to try a different approach. Below is the link to the first chapter, please go and check it out! I'd really like to know what you guys think! :) I have a few more chapters written but won't be posting them until I know if this is something I should keep up.
Here's a working Blurb:
Melinda Gray isn't really her name. She isn't really a Blood citizen, and technically, she's not really a member of the Blood army. Placed in enemy territory at a young age, being a spy is practically all that Melinda knows. Five years pretending to be someone else, cut off from the people she loves, has left its mark. But now it's all coming to a head; she's finally gotten an audience with the allusive Blood king. Just a few more weeks, months top, and she might be able to finally go home. Of course, in order to do that, she needs to remember who she really is, and that that girl absolutely, under no circumstances, can have real feelings for the king. Pretending is allowed, but what happens when the line blurs and Melinda finds herself in a reality made of smoke and mirrors?
Do you guys think I should also start posting chapters here on the blog? I could create a new page for them...?
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