So a few people have been asking about the release of Unbound, the third book in the Underworld saga, figured I'd drop a post about that to help clear up any of the confusion. It was supposed to be out sometime in July, however, things got a little hectic in my life and I wasn't able to do a thorough edit of it. I don't want to release it until I've looked it over and made sure that it's at least at a point where I'm comfortable enough for people to read it. There are a lot of people who, thankfully, have really liked this saga so far, and I want to try and uphold the same level of quality in book number three.
Recently, I paid for a book tour, and unfortunately it didn't go as I had hoped. It's very disheartening when you don't get what you paid for, especially when you're an indie author like me and every penny counts. Unfortunately, I don't feel like the person(s) I paid for this really cared about authors, as they didn't uphold basic promises and rarely bothered to email me back. The only reason I'm mentioning this at all is to help explain why I haven't posted in a few weeks, and why I put a pause on editing the rest of my work. I needed to take a breather and recollect myself before jumping back into it. At least now I know not to bother wasting my money with sites/groups like that. I understand how book tours work, I've had them done for my work and taken part in helping run others, so I get that the organizer has no control over whether or not a person follows through with the post they promised. However, there were basic things that weren't done, and that's what really upsets me. It's hard enough for indie authors to get their work noticed, and I just feel very badly for anyone else who decided to trust their hard earned money towards this same group. :/
I'm back in business, and working towards getting a couple of the books I've been promising done and out to you guys! For one, there's Unbound like mentioned above. I'm HOPEING for an August release, but I've got coworkers leaving on a two week vacation so...I'm going with hoping, not making any definitive promises. Sorry. Just keep checking back to see! I'll make sure this is the first stop I make after the book is available.

Lastly, the second book in the Coven trilogy. I've been writing it and posting it to WattPad, however there are over ten more chapters that have yet to be posted there. This is because while a lot of people keep asking me about it, no one ever comments on the chapters I post up. This is a book series that I never really intended to finish. I wrote the first book for fun in between projects, as more of a messy way of getting jumbled ideas out of my head than anything else. The only reason I'm continuing with it is because of the fan base, so come on guys, go post a few comments. If I don't think anyone's reading, I won't bother writing it. Most of my work I write for myself, but with this...that's not really the case. I have their stories mapped out in my head, I know how it all ends for Caley, Shia, Bane and the rest. I'm going to try and get the book finished, but there's also a ton of other projects I'm currently working on.

Like: a book about superheros, a book about aliens, a book about a spy (the first two chapters of this, titled, Stained, is available to read for free on Goodreads.com!), and books two in both the Trickster trilogy and the Dreamer trilogy.
For people asking about those last two, because I've posted the first books of both up on the site Swoonreads.com where they can be read for free, I'm obligated to keep them there and only there for at least six months. Because of this, books two of both series won't be available until that period has run its course. Books on this site have a chance of getting a traditional publishing contract based on their ratings and amount of comments, so if you haven't yet checked it out, please do so! Every rating counts! This is looking more like a release for this coming winter, or even the spring, depending upon. It all depends on what I decide to do once the initial six months are up. I could choose to leave it for a longer period of time, or I could take them down, and self publish them myself along with the second books. We'll see how that goes.
Ok, well, I know this was a really long post, sorry to drone on, just wanted to keep you all updated. I've been away from my goodreads account for about two weeks or so and have missed a lot of questions and messages from all of you. This was the easiest way I could think of to get back to you all at once. If any of you guys have any more questions, or comments, feel free to leave them here or on goodreads. I do still tend to check goodreads more/more often, which I guess a lot of you already know seeing as how almost no one ever bothers to comment here lol.
Links for all of the books mentioned about, minus the unreleased ones, can be found here either to the right or below in a previous post! :) If you read this post to the end, thanks for sticking with me!
As a side note completely unrelated to any of this, or me even really, have any of you guys checked out the new Netflix original series Sense8? If not, do so. Right now. Drop everything. It's that good.