Currently there's a R2R of Beguiling Trickery on one of the Goodread groups, Lovers of Paranormal! Here's the link:
The giveaway for paperback copies of each book ends soon! So if you haven't checked that out do so as well!

Finally the point of this post, Bone Deep is being run through the final editing stages right now and will be released soon as well. I'm currently looking for reviewers for this one, so if interested please let me know ASAP! This book is a bit different from my other works, and I'm a bit nervous about it, so while I'm not opposed to giving out lots of advanced review copies, I still want to keep it manageable.
If interested, let me know via Just private message me your email, and whether you'd like epub, mobi, or PDF. I'll send you the book for free under the agreement that in exchange you leave an honest review upon reading.
Again, please PM me on goodreads, as I don't often respond to people here on time, and I don't want anyone having to post their emails here. If you have any questions or anything, feel free to comment below however, as I will see them! Or you can go to my Goodreads and ask me a question there! There's an entire space for it and again my responses will be more speedy.
If you haven't yet read it, below is a blurb of the book, Bone Deep, and a link to my page so you can message me!
Mila's lived her whole life with one goal: destroying the upir, and sometimes their lesser evil cousins, vampires. She's fought and trained for almost all of her eighteen years so that she'd be ready to lead the Ouroboros order, a society of hunters that has been around since Dracula was known simply as Vlad the Impaler. She's successfully executed many kills, led hundreds of hunting parties, and honed her abilities as a runemaster. But something's coming, something that even a life like Mila's couldn't prepare someone for. Hunters are dropping all around her, and monsters are doing the unheard of. Working together.
Rogen's second life has been about one thing: protecting his people. He's long since accepted his role in the vast supernatural world, and what's more, he's learned to relish in the power. Which is why it pisses him off so much when something shows up announced, screwing with the order of things. With only one option left to him, Rogen undergoes the unthinkable, guising himself as a moroi hunter in the Ouroboros order. There was a time when he respected their services, but having been corrupted some centuries back, his opinion of them has altered since. He's going to have to convince them to join forces if they're ever going to stop whatever's coming. The only problem is, doing so might actually be more impossible than stopping the biggest evil the world's ever seen.