Alright, so I've been absent for...a while. I tried to pop back in a few weeks ago (was it weeks? Is that even right? Crap), but life's been....well, life. As in, hectic, and throwing me curve balls any chance it gets. Of course, that means that I haven't had time to really promote the second book in my saga, Unleashed, or really do anything, including writing or reading. :( Bookworms everywhere know my pain. Anywho, as an apology to the few fans who actually check this site out-as well as my book review blog-here, finally, is a giveaway for the second book! The first book has gotten some pretty good reviews, and if I haven't thanked you all enough for that, THANK YOU. Seriously, hearing feedback, whether good or bad, is always benificial for an author, and I appreciated the time you have all taken out of your hectic lives to leave me feedback either way. I'm reposting the cover image below, and if you want to read a blurb just scroll down to the previous posts from last month or so. There's also a link there for any of you who are interested in just purchasing a copy of the book now, as well as a link for the first book in case you haven't yet checked it out.
For those of you who have read the first book, I'd like to say thank you (again), by offering up an even greater chance at winning one of the three e-copies of Unleashed I'm giving away. All you have to do is answer a question regarding the first book! Please do not post responses here, because that would be giving it away (haha, in a not punny-sort-of-sitch). Send all answers to my goodreads in a private message. Here's the link to that in case you don't use it often:
Alright, thanks again, and sorry again for being M.I.A lately. :/ And like always, if you have any questions about this giveaway, the book, or any other of my works, PLEASE ask away!