Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Release Dates Pushed:

Just wanted to let people know that the release dates for both, Wanderers of the Night and Echo Island have been pushed back to (hopefully) April. I know some people who've been asking about it so I figured I'd just write a post about it. Sorry guys, but this being my last semester of college (fingers crossed) there's a lot on my plate, including my thesis. With any luck I'll be able to sort out some time where I'm also able to work on the next two books in both my series, but as of right now I really need to focus all my energy into my thesis. I'm hoping to get some information about that up on here and get some feedback, see how people are taking to it. As soon as I've got a plan with that I'll post about it. Any one who's curious or just really really tired of waiting for either the next book in the Dreamer trilogy or the next book in the Mirror Warriors, feel free to leave a comment here and I'll see about getting you an excerpt! If enough people are interested, I might just post one here! :)

As another note: I see that I've gotten over 800 visits to the site so far! I've decided that once it hits 1000, I'm going to offer the first installment in the trilogy, Where Thy Dark Eye Glances as a free eBook download for probably a week, as well as do a giveaway of the All That We See or Seem and Echoes of Time! So if you're interested check out the blog and get your friends too as well.